[GRI 2-23, 2-24; ESRS G1-1]
All policies of the Lenzing Group are available under the following link: Compliance – Lenzing – innovative by nature. For international regulations references in the Group’s policies, please see the “Intergovernmental regulation references in policies” table in the annex. To ensure that no human rights violations occur within the sphere of Lenzing’s influence, Lenzing has a Human Rights Policy, which refers to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Universal Declaration of Human rights (UDHR). For more information on policies stipulating respecting human rights, please see the “Human rights and fair labor practices” chapter. Each of the policy commitments was approved by the Managing Board of Lenzing AG, the former Executive Committee or the Management Directors of Lenzing Fibers Grimsby Ltd. (Modern Slavery Act of Lenzing Fibers Grimsby Ltd.). Policies and Directives are available to all employees via the intranet or e-mail. They exist in the following languages: German, English, Czech, Chinese, Bahasa, Portugues and Thai.
Lenzing Global Compliance prepares its guidelines and directives in accordance with the document control process specified by Global Quality Management. Processes and minimum requirements are thus ensured globally.
Hierarchy of compliance guidelines and directives
The document manager (“caretaker”) in Compliance is the Group Compliance Officer, who thus has the responsibility to disseminate a document to relevant business units. Compliance guides and materials are stored in LenzingConnect and made available to compliance stakeholders. The resources are managed, updated and supplemented by Lenzing Global Compliance.
Lenzing’s internal rules and principles
[GRI 2-26; ESRS G1-1]
Besides the Lenzing Global Code of Conduct, there are additional internal rules and principles of conduct (known as directives) that help to ensure that daily actions are in line with the applicable legal frameworks and Lenzing’s demand for integrity from each individual employee. Directives define rules of conduct that are binding for all employees of the Lenzing Group. Classifying a document as a directive always implicates the decision that non-conformance with the content of the directive may incur penalties and, in the worst case, layoffs. Important directives include, amongst others, the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Directive, the Antitrust Directive, the Whistleblower Directive, the Issuer Compliance Directive, the Anti Money Laundering Directive and Know-How Protection Directive.