
GRI content index

The organization and its reporting practices

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Organizational details

ESRS 2 General disclosures: About the sustainability statement

Annual report: Consolidated Financial Statements: Note 3 and Note 41


Entities included in the organizationโ€™s sustainability reporting

ESRS 2 General disclosures: About the sustainability statement

Annual report: Consolidated Financial Statements: Note 41


Reporting period, frequency and contact point

ESRS 2 General disclosures: About the sustainability statement


Restatements of information

ESRS 2 General disclosures: About the sustainability statement


External assurance

Annex: Independent assurance report on the non-financial reporting pursuant to Section 243b and 267a UGB

Activities and workers

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Activities, value chain and other business relationships

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Strategy



S1 Own workforce: Employees in numbers


Workers who are not employees

S1 Own workforce: Employees in numbers


GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Governance structure and composition

Annual report: Group Corporate Governance Report


Nomination and selection of the highest governance body

Annual report: Group Corporate Governance Report


Chair of the highest governance body

Annual report: Group Corporate Governance Report


Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Governance of sustainability

ESRS 2 General disclosures: ESG Committees

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting

Annual report: Group Corporate Governance Report: Supervisory Board: Working procedures


Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Governance of sustainability


Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

ESRS 2 General disclosures: ESG Committees


Conflicts of interest

Annual report: Group Corporate Governance Report


Communication of critical concerns

G1 Business conduct: Actions: Communication of critical concerns to the highest governance body


Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Governance of sustainability


Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body

ESRS 2 General disclosures: ESG Committees

Annual report: Group Corporate Governance Report


Remuneration policies

Remuneration report (2024 report available from 20/03/2025)


Process to determine remuneration

Remuneration policy (extra document)


Annual total compensation ratio

S1 Own workforce: Annual total remuneration ratio

Strategy, policies and practices

Stakeholder engagement

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Approach to stakeholder engagement

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Partnering for systemic change

S1 Own workforce: Communication


Collective bargaining agreements

S1 Own workforce: Collective bargaining and social dialogue

Not material topic, but satisfies stakeholder interests.

Material topics

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Process to determine material topics

Double materiality analysis


List of material topics

Material impacts, risks and opportunities


Management of material topics

E1 Climate change: Management approach

E2 Pollution: Management approach

E3 Water and marine resources: Management approach

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems: Management approach

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Management approach

S1 Own workforce: Management approach

S2 Workers in the value chain: Management approach

S4 Consumers and end-users: Management approach

Sustainable innovations: Management approach

Transparency: Management approach

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Sustainability targets, measures and progress

E1 Climate change: Metrics and targets

E2 Pollution: Metrics and targets

E3 Water and marine resources: Metrics and targets

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems: Biodiversity targets

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Metrics and targets

S1 Own workforce: Metrics and targets

S2 Workers in the value chain: Metrics and targets

S4 Consumers and end-users: Metrics and targets

Sustainable innovations: Metrics and targets

Transparency: Metrics and targets

E 1 Climate change: Stakeholder engagement

E2 Pollution: Stakeholder engagement

E3 Water and marine resources: Stakeholder engagement

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems: Stakeholder engagement

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Stakeholder engagement

S1 Own workforce: Stakeholder engagement

S2 Workers in the value chain: Stakeholder engagement

S4 Consumers and end-users: Stakeholder engagement

Sustainable innovations: Research collaborations

Transparency: Stakeholder engagement

Topical Standards โ€“ Governance

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Direct economic value generated and distributed

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Value creation at the Lenzing Group


Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

E1 Climate change: Risk and opportunity assessment

Information regarding sub-points 201-2 a. ii. and v. is missing. It is expected to have this information available for the reporting 2025.


Proportion of spending on local suppliers

G1 Business conduct: Sourcing


Operations assessed for risks related to corruption

Data is not available in this form.


Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures

G1 Business conduct: Actions

The fully required data is currently not available. A split bewteen category and region is not possible at the moment. We are however working on collecting the detailed information required.


Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken

G1 Business conduct: Metrics and targets


Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

G1 Business conduct: Compliance violations

Topical Standards โ€“ Environment

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


Materials used by weight or volume

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource inflows


Recycled input materials used

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource inflows


Energy consumption within the organization

E1 Climate change: Energy and fuels

Partly omission (302-1 c, d) due to confidentiality constraints for competitive reasons. Disclosed in MWh. Joules can be obtained by conversion.


Energy consumption outside of the organization

Data is currently not available, we are working on collecting it for future reporting.


Energy intensity

E1 Climate change: Energy and fuels


Reduction of energy consumption

Omission due to confidentiality constraints for competitive reasons.


Interactions with water as a shared resource

E3 Water and marine resources: Actions

Water and marine resources: Metrics and targets


Management of water discharge-related impacts

E3 Water and marine resources: Actions

E3 Water and marine resources: Water stewardship


Water withdrawal

E3 Water and marine resources: Water consumption

Disclosed in m3. Megaliters can be obtained by conversion.


Water discharge

E3 Water and marine resources: Water consumption

Disclosed in m3. Megaliters can be obtained by conversion.


Water consumption

E3 Water and marine resources: Water consumption

Disclosed in m3. Megaliters can be obtained by conversion.


Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas

Annex: Additional information on chapters: Biodiversity Sensitive Areas / Protected sites near production sites

304-1 ii. subsurface and underground land leased is not applicable. Such area is not owned, leased or managed by Lenzing.


Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Nature-related risk assessment according to TNFD


Habitats protected or restored

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems: Metrics for biodiversity and ecosystem enhancement within LD Celuloseโ€™s plantations

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems: Restoration and reforestation

E4 Biodiversity: Fiber brand-related climate protection, forest protection and afforestation projects 2024

E4 Biodiversity: Stakeholder Engagement


IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations

Data is currently not available, we are working on collecting it for future reporting.


Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

E1 Climate change: Lenzingโ€™s greenhouse gas emissions


Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

E1 Climate change: Lenzingโ€™s greenhouse gas emissions


Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

E1 Climate change: Lenzingโ€™s greenhouse gas emissions


GHG emissions intensity

E1 Climate change: Lenzingโ€™s greenhouse gas emissions


Reduction of GHG emissions

E1 Climate change: Actions

Data is currently not fully available, we are working on collecting it for future reporting.


Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)

This data is currently not gathered, because Lenzing only emits a small amount of ozone-depleting substances. We are however working on improving the related reporting.


Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions

E2 Pollution: Pollution of air and water


Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource outflows


Management of significant waste-related impacts

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource outflows


Waste generated

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource outflows


Waste diverted from disposal

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource outflows


Waste directed to disposal

E5 Resource use and circular economy: Resource outflows


New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

G1 Business conduct: Metrics and targets

G1 Business conduct: Sourcing


Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

G1 Business conduct: Metrics and targets

G1 Business conduct: Sourcing: Sustainable wood and dissolving wood pulp sourcing

Topical Standards โ€“ Social

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments


New employee hires and employee turnover

S1 Own workforce: Employees in numbers


Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees

S1 Own workforce: Work-life balance and benefits provided actions


Parental leave

S1 Own workforce: Family-related leave


Occupational health and safety management system

S1 Own workforce: Lenzingโ€™s actions: Health and safety actions

S1 Own workforce: Health and Safety at Lenzing


Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

S1 Own workforce: Health and safety actions


Occupational health services

S1 Own workforce: Health care at Lenzing production facilities


Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety

S1 Own workforce: Communication


Worker training on occupational health and safety

S1 Own workforce: Safety training


Promotion of worker health

S1 Own workforce: Health promotion


Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

S1 Own workforce: Contractors


Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system

S1 Own workforce: Lenzingโ€™s actions: Health and safety actions

S1 Own workforce: Health and Safety at Lenzing


Work-related injuries

S1 Own workforce: Health and Safety at Lenzing


Work-related ill health

S1 Own workforce: Health and Safety at Lenzing


Average hours of training per year per employee

S1 Own workforce: Learning and development

Data is currently not available, the split between employee categories is missing. We are working on expanding the data for future reporting.


Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs

S1 Own workforce: Learning and development


Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

S1 Own workforce: Learning and development


Diversity of governance bodies and employees

ESRS 2 General disclosures: Governance of sustainability: Composition and diversity of board members

S1 Own workforce: Diversity metrics

Data refering to 405-1 b. iii. "Other indicators of diversity where relevant" is incomplete as employees are not categorized into employee categories.


Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men

S1 Own workforce: Gender pay gap


Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

S1 Own workforce: Raised concerns and human rights incidents


Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk

S2 Workers in the value chain: Metrics and targets


Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor

S2 Workers in the value chain: Metrics and targets


Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor

S2 Workers in the value chain: Metrics and targets


New suppliers that were screened using social criteria

G1 Business conduct: Metrics and targets

G1 Business conduct: Sourcing

Data is currently not fully available, data should be available to be reported in the report 2025/2026.


Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken

Data is currently not fully available, data should be available to be reported in the report 2025/2026.


Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories

S4 Consumers and end-users: Actions

S4 Consumers and end-users: Metrics and targets


Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services

S4 Consumers and end-users: Metrics and targets


Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling

S4 Consumers and end-users: Metrics and targets

Own indicators

GRI indicator Chapter Omissions / comments

Number of suppliers responding to EcoVadis questionnaire

G1 Business conduct: Sustainable chemicals sourcing

Suppliers representing 80 percent spend with audit/internal assessmentet

G1 Business conduct: Metrics and targets

Proportion of wood source certified or controlled by forest certificate

G1 Business conduct: Wood and dissolving wood pulp certifications

Wood sourcing from Lenzing Group's own pulp mills in Austria and CZ

G1 Business conduct: Regional wood supply in Europe

Annex: Additional information on chapters: Wood and pulp procurement

Forest/plantation area Brazil

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems: Metrics for biodiversity and ecosystem enhancement within LD Celuloseโ€™s plantations

Absolute emissions to water: SO4

E2 Pollution: Pollution of air and water

Absolute emissions to water: Amine

E2 Pollution: Pollution of air and water

Specific emissions to water

E2 Pollution: Pollution of air and water

Specific emissions to air

E2 Pollution: Pollution of air and water

R&D expenditure, calculated acc. to Frascati

Sustainable innovations

Specialty fiber share

Sustainable innovations

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