Metrics and targets
[ESRS G1-4; GRI 2-27, 205-3, 308-1, 308-2, 414-1]
The metrics in this section are not validated by an external body other than the assurance provider.
See “Sustainability targets” in the management approach at the beginning of this chapter. All of Lenzing’s sustainability targets and the process of setting and monitoring (ESRS 2 MDR-T 80g, 80j) can be found in the “Sustainability targets, measures and progress” section in the “ESRS 2 General disclosures” chapter.
Supplier engagement |
To engage key suppliers, covering more than 80 percent of spend, to improve sustainability performance |
Continuous |
Measure(s) |
Lenzing assesses 95 percent of its top suppliers representing 80 percent of spend via EcoVadis, the Together for Sustainability Audit or an internal assessment/audit by 2025. |
2025 |
Lenzing considers climate, water and chemical aspects in the procurement contractual process of its top chemicals suppliers |
Continuous |
Progress made in 2024 |
More than 800 of Lenzing’s suppliers are assessed and monitored by EcoVadis. Four suppliers were audited by Lenzing through the Together for Sustainability audit program. Engaging and onboarding suppliers is an ongoing process, whereby buyers strive to engage the biggest possible portion of all of Lenzing’s key suppliers. Around 60 percent of the Global Procurement spend, including wood and pulp was covered by these assessments. Supply agreements signed with the top chemical suppliers include sustainability clauses. |
The target “Supplier engagement” aligns with the Global Code of Business Conduct, the Global Supplier Code of Conduct, and the Policy on Human Rights and Labor Standards by ensuring adherence to ethical business practices, respect for human rights and the commitment to environmental, social and governance sustainability across the supply chain, thereby contributing to global efforts in improving environmental and social outcomes, such as reducing carbon footprints, conserving natural resources and promoting fair labor practices. The calculation takes in account on one hand the total procurement volume of the year 2023 from Global procurement (all except wood and pulp), and the share of these suppliers as assessed in 2024. On the other hand, the wood and pulp suppliers were assessed through forest certification and/or internal due diligence at a rate of at least 99 %. The weighted average of these two components is the final percentage of assessed supply spend.
For more information on the ESRS 2 MDR-T of the “Supplier engagement” target, please refer to the “Metrics and targets” section in the “S2 Workers in the value chain” chapter.
Compliance violations
Reported concerns via the whistleblower system are recorded in the Legal, IP and Compliance department.
From 65 cases filed through the Lenzing Group whistleblower system and 96 filed through the whistleblower system of Lenzing`s joint venture LD Celulose in Indianópolis (Brazil), Lenzing can report that the Lenzing Investigation Team investigated and processed any reported violations of our principles and in some cases imposed sanctions on the employees concerned.
In 2024, there were no convictions or fines related to anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws. There were no public complaints in connection with corruption incidents brought against the company or its employees during the reporting period.
[GRI 206-1]
In relation to the establishment of the Hygiene Austria LP GmbH joint venture with Palmers Textil AG in 2020, the Austrian Federal Competition Authority initiated an investigation in September 2022, concerning the practice of doing business prior to receiving merger control clearance. Lenzing fully cooperated in the investigation, acknowledged the infringement of the prohibition to implement a transaction prior to clearance and agreed to pay a fine of EUR 75,000 in settlement proceedings involving the Austrian Cartel Court in 2024.