Workers in the value chain stakeholder engagement
[GRI 3-3f]
The Lenzing Group maintains continuous engagement and dialog with its suppliers and strives to establish and maintain long-term partnerships. All Lenzing Group suppliers must adhere to the Lenzing Global Supplier Code of Conduct. Wood and pulp suppliers are also required to follow the Wood and Pulp Policy, which prioritizes purchasing from wood and pulp suppliers that complies with FSC® or PEFC standards. Suppliers are required to grant Lenzing, or its representatives, access to their facilities and relevant records given advance notice. Lenzing is permitted to conduct assessments in order to ensure compliance.
The Global Purchasing team undergoes ongoing training facilitated by EcoVadis in order to thereby meet Lenzing’s commitment to supply chain due diligence and to enhance supplier engagement. This training occurs through EcoVadis platform sessions or internal training sessions, and utilizes information from the EcoVadis website. Further sustainability related topics are also addressed. Purchasing specialists who participate in these initiatives gain access to the EcoVadis platform, where the EcoVadis Academy additionally enables them to deepen their understanding of sustainability.
Together for Sustainability (TfS)
Lenzing joined the Together for Sustainability (TfS) initiative in 2022. TfS, an initiative led by chemical and pharmaceutical companies, provides members with access to a global network of assessed and audited suppliers, thereby generating sustainable procurement efficiencies. By sharing performance progress based on common principles within the TfS community, transparency and unity are enhanced, which benefits both chemical companies and their suppliers. Furthermore, buyers can deepen their knowledge through the TfS Academy.
Direct customers
Lenzing collaborates closely with partners that utilize Lenzing’s fibers to produce textiles, nonwovens, and industrial products, ranging from direct customers through the retail level in the textile and nonwovens sectors.
In meeting growing demand for transparency and traceability, Lenzing has also introduced TextileGenesis™, a blockchain-enabled value chain traceability platform. Various textile value chain companies have joined the platform since 2022. For more detailed information, please see the “Transparency” chapter.