Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2024
Note |
2024 |
2023 |
Net profit/loss after tax |
(138,278) |
(592,953) |
+ |
Amortization of intangible assets, depreciation of property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets and depletion of biological assets |
308,764 |
781,771 |
+/- |
Change in the fair value of biological assets |
(32,199) |
(80,102) |
- |
Income from the release of investment grants |
(1,841) |
(2,025) |
+/- |
Change in non-current provisions |
(11,251) |
(2,050) |
-/+ |
Income/expense from deferred taxes |
79,651 |
(62,895) |
+/- |
Change in current tax assets and liabilities |
(60,972) |
50,236 |
+/- |
Income from investments accounted for using the equity method |
3,360 |
(4,048) |
-/+ |
Other non-cash income/expenses |
(6,800) |
553 |
Gross cash flow |
140,434 |
88,488 |
+/- |
Change in inventories |
(39,567) |
178,245 |
+/- |
Change in receivables |
29,823 |
34,751 |
+/- |
Change in liabilities |
191,813 |
(141,160) |
Change in working capital |
182,069 |
71,836 |
Cash flow from operating activities |
322,503 |
160,323 |
- |
Acquisition of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and biological assets |
(156,335) |
(267,834) |
- |
Acquisition of corporate units |
0 |
(15,731) |
- |
Acquisition/disbursement of other investments and investments accounted for using the equity method |
(37,065) |
(14,225) |
+ |
Proceeds from the sale of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and biological assets |
880 |
436 |
+ |
Proceeds from the sale/repayment of other investments and the sale of investments accounted for using the equity method |
7,548 |
5,846 |
Cash flow from investing activities |
(184,971) |
(291,509) |
+ |
Cash proceeds from issuing shares |
0 |
392,069 |
+ |
Capital injections to consolidated companies by non-controlling interests |
34,912 |
0 |
- |
Dividends paid (including hybrid coupon) |
(28,900) |
(29,000) |
+ |
Investment grants |
2,408 |
1,616 |
+ |
Increase of bonds and private placements |
581,763 |
0 |
+ |
Increase in other loans and borrowings |
309,441 |
226,640 |
- |
Repayment of bonds and private placements |
(236,431) |
0 |
- |
Repayment of other loans and borrowings |
(1,093,159) |
(170,232) |
Cash flow from financing activities |
(429,965) |
421,094 |
Total change in liquid funds |
(292,433) |
289,908 |
Liquid funds at the beginning of the year |
725,639 |
446,873 |
Currency translation adjustment relating to liquid funds |
9,091 |
(11,142) |
Liquid funds at the end of the year |
442,297 |
725,639 |
Additional information on payments in the cash flow from operating activities: |
Interest payments received |
24,081 |
15,262 |
Interest payments made |
106,842 |
120,409 |
Income taxes paid |
79,232 |
15,770 |
Distributions received from investments accounted for using the equity method |
3,360 |
2,680 |