Management approach
Management Approach
Material topic: Water and marine resources
[ESRS 2 MDR-A 68a; GRI 3-3]
Lenzing is committed to reducing its product water footprint by using more Lenzing pulp and increasing the production of specialty products. The company’s communication strategy leverages Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data to inform its partners about water footprints, helping them meet their water goals. This commitment to sustainable water management strengthens Lenzing’s position as a global leader in environmentally responsible fiber production.
For disclosures concerning emissions to water, see “E2 Pollution” chapter.
Negative actual and potential impacts
- Water withdrawals and water consumption: Negative impact on water resources through water withdrawal by Lenzing and its value chain (own operations, downstream value chain)
- Water withdrawals and water consumption: Opportunity by helping value chain partners meeting their targets through products with improved water footprint (own operations)
For a more detailed description of the impacts, risks and opportunities, please see the “Material impacts, risks and opportunities” section of the “ESRS 2 General disclosures” chapter.
- Water Policy
Actions taken [ESRS 2 MDR-A 68a]
- Integration of global water-related assessment tools into risk management
- Water footprint assessment of fiber products and raw materials
- Efficiency and improvement measures, e.g. installation of an additional reverse osmosis unit at the lyocell plant at the Lenzing site, Austria.
- Higg FEM self-assessment for all and additional verification for three productions sites to help with the monitoring of water footprints, reduction of risks related to water use and to devise measures to enhance water-related efficiency.
Further actions (not described in more detail in E3-2)
- Water stewardship actions:
- Continuous monitoring and reporting of water withdrawal and consumption according to the Environmental Management System ISO 14001, GRI, ESRS, CDP and other water-related standards and guidelines.
- Use of state-of-the-art wastewater treatment technologies.
- Monitoring and optimization programs aim to reduce water consumption in different process steps.
- Continuously reducing water consumption and water-related emissions after wastewater treatment
- Water consumption actions:
- Efficient use of water resources, by recycling and reusing water in operations, e.g. closed-loop cooling water system, skipping the process of drying and re-moistening market pulp
Sustainability targets
- “FEM” target
- Local communities
- Enforcing authorities
- Customers
- Greenpeace
- Site directors
- Global Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
- Operations Service Group