Management approach
Material topic: Human rights & fair labor practices
[ESRS 2 MDR-A 68a; GRI 3-3]
Diversity, inclusion and respect are core pillars of a talent strategy designed to attract and develop people from all backgrounds. A committed and empowered workforce is critical to business success, and Lenzing acts to provide equal opportunities for employment, learning and development. The company seeks to create an open-minded and inclusive environment by proactively fostering ethical ways of working in compliance with high internal standards, as well as principles outlined by international regulatory bodies. Lenzing continues to adhere to and uphold human rights and fair labor practices in all aspects of the global working environment.
Negative actual impacts
- Gender equality and equal pay for equal work: Negative impact on gender equality and equal pay for equal work (own operations)
Negative actual and potential impacts
- Work-life balance: Negative impact on the workforce if there is a lack of work-life balance (own operations)
Negative potential impacts
- Measures against violence and harassment in the workplace: Negative psychological impact on employees if harassment in the workplace takes place (own operations)
- Diversity: Negative psychological impact on employees if diversity is not supported (own operations)
Positive actual impacts
- Work-life balance: Positive impact on the workforce through various working time models, benefits and leaves (own operations)
- Diversity: Positive impact on diversity through diversity-promoting measures (own operations)
- Training and skills development: Risk of a recline in productivity through insufficient quality in succession planning (own operations)
Risks and Opportunities
- Secure employment: Risk and opportunity for being an attractive employer through (non-) transparent communication (own operations)
- Secure employment: Opportunity to be listed as a preferred supplier for customers (own operations)
- Diversity: Opportunity to drive innovation and performance with diversity (own operations)
For a more detailed description of the impacts, risks and opportunities, please see the “Material impacts, risks and opportunities” section of the “ESRS 2 General disclosures” chapter.
- Policy on Human Rights and Labor Standards
- Global Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy
- Global Code of Business Conduct
- Policy for Safety, Health and Environment
- Clean & Hygiene Standards
- Communication Guideline
- Life Saving Rules Guidelines
- Global Salary Administration Guidelines
- Global Learning & Development Guideline
- Global Performance Management Guideline
- Global Child Labor Remediation Procedure
- Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement (UK only)
Actions taken [ESRS 2 MDR-A 68a]
- 3rd party audits on social sustainability topics conducted for several sites
- Performance and talent management processes for all white-collar employees
- Focus on digital learning through a globally available catalog of over 220 optional eLearning courses in German, English, Portuguese and Chinese
- Women’s Empowerment Principles signed by new CEO
- Re-launch of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy supported by explainer videos in all languages
- Launch of Employee Resource Group (ERG) PrideAlliance@Lenzing
- Eye-to-eye partner for local unions, works councils, and other workforce representatives
- Whistleblower system and investigation directive
Further actions
(not described in more detail in S1-4 or referenced chapters in S1-4)
- Activities by Women@Lenzing, Multicultural@Lenzing and PrideAlliance@Lenzing ERGs
- Flexible working hours and working from home
Sustainability targets
- “Social standard” target
- “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” target
- “Succession planning” target
- Employees
- Customers
- Local communities
- Rating agencies
- Brands & retailers
- Certification bodies
- Suppliers
- SVP Corporate Human Resources
- Corporate Sustainability
- Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
Material topic: Health & safety
[ESRS 2 MDR-A 68a; GRI 3-3]
The Lenzing Group strives to ensure that its employees work in a safe environment, which meets or exceeds relevant regulatory expectations, addresses health and safety concerns as they arise and mitigates opportunities for the recurrence of incidents. This guiding principle extends to visitors, contractors and communities local to our sites.
Negative potential impacts
- Health and safety: Potential negative impact due to the working environment on health and wellbeing of Lenzing’s workforce (own operations)
Positive actual impacts
- Health and safety: Positive impact on the workforce through risk management, trainings, health measures and services (own operations)
- Health and safety: Risk of a potentially poor working climate leading to employee turnover or reduce their productivity (own operations)
- Health and safety: Opportunity for an engaged and productive workforce by providing a safe work environment (own operations)
For a more detailed description of the impacts, risks and opportunities, please see the “Material impacts, risks and opportunities” section of the “ESRS 2 General disclosures” chapter.
- Policy on Human Rights and Labor Standards
- Policy for Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
- Global Code of Business Conduct
- Life-Saving Rules Guideline
- Clean & Hygiene Standards
Actions taken
(Sections “Health and safety actions” and “Health and safety at Lenzing”) [ESRS 2 MDR-A 68a]
- ISO 45001:2018 certification
- Management of risk processes
- Health care at Lenzing’s production facilities
- Provision of health services
- Safety trainings
- Regularly held safety webinars
- Health promotion
- Employee Assistance Program
- eMotion program with “Moveeffect” app
Further actions
(not described in more detail in Health and safety actions and Health and safety at Lenzing)
- Health guiding principle (“House of Health”)
- Regular Global HSE meetings with management review
- Regular meetings of health and safety committees at every production site
- Safety, Health & Environment Action Reporting System (SHEARS)
- Safety Walks and Talks
Sustainability targets
- “Health (TRIFR1)” target
- Customers
- Employees
- Contractors
- Local communities
- Certification bodies
- Managing Board
- VP Global HSE
- SVP Corporate Human Resources
- Senior leadership roles
- Health & safety is a shared responsibility across all layers of the organization
- Corporate Communications & Public Affairs
1 TRIFR refers to the number of total recordable injuries occurring in a workplace per 200,000 working hours.