26. Equity
Share capital and capital reserves
The share capital of Lenzing AG totaled EUR 40,107,738.37 as at December 31, 2024 (December 31, 2023: EUR 40,107,738.37) and is divided into 38,618,180 zero par value shares (December 31, 2023: 38,618,180 shares). The proportion of share capital attributable to one share equals roughly EUR 1.04. Each ordinary share represents an equal interest in capital and conveys the same rights and obligations, above all the right to a resolved dividend and the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting. The issue price of the shares is fully paid in. No other classes of shares have been issued.
By resolution of the Annual General Meeting on April 18, 2024, the Managing Board was again authorized, with Supervisory Board consent, to purchase treasury shares in a volume of up to 10 percent of the share capital for a maximum of 30 months from the date of the resolution. The same conditions concerning the purchase of treasury shares apply as in the Annual General Meeting resolution of April 26, 2022, which was revoked by the above resolution.
The Annual General Meeting on April 19, 2023 authorized the Managing Board – while at the same time canceling the resolutions regarding this matter of the Annual General Meeting of April 12, 2018 – subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase share capital by up to EUR 13,787,034.68 through the issue of up to 13,274,999 zero par value shares (“authorized capital”) – also in tranches – in exchange for cash and/or contributions in kind, within five years from entry in the commercial register. The proportion of authorized capital attributable to one share equals roughly EUR 1.04. This authorized capital was recorded in the commercial register on May 26, 2023.
With effect from July 2023, Lenzing AG carried out a capital increase that had been approved by the Annual General Meeting on April 19, 2023. A total of 12,068,180 new shares were issued. The share capital was fully paid in. The change in share capital and capital reserves is attributable to this capital increase.
In addition, a resolution of the Annual General Meeting on April 19, 2023 authorized the Managing Board – while at the same time canceling the resolutions regarding this matter of the Annual General Meeting of April 12, 2018 – to issue, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, convertible bonds by April 19, 2028 in one or several tranches that grant or provide for the subscription or conversion right or a subscription or conversion obligation for up to 13,274,999 shares of the company (“contingent capital”). They can be serviced through the contingent capital and/or treasury shares.
The Managing Board did not utilize the authorizations existing on or before December 31, 2024, to issue convertible bonds and buy back treasury shares in the reporting period.
The capital reserves represent appropriated reserves of Lenzing AG that may only be used to offset an accumulated loss by Lenzing AG. These reserves were created from the inflow of funds received by Lenzing AG from shareholders in excess of share capital.
Other reserves
Other reserves include all accumulated other comprehensive income and consist of the foreign currency translation reserve, the reserve for financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the hedging reserve and actuarial gains/losses.
Foreign currency translation reserve |
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Hedging reserve and non-designated components |
Actuarial gains/losses |
Total |
As at 01/01/2023 |
97,517 |
15,635 |
16,473 |
(39,463) |
90,161 |
Other comprehensive income |
(33,844) |
(3,412) |
(23,038) |
(4,329) |
(64,623) |
Tax effect |
2,061 |
751 |
5,623 |
1,013 |
9,448 |
After tax |
(31,783) |
(2,662) |
(17,415) |
(3,315) |
(55,175) |
Hedging gains and losses and cost of hedging transferred to the cost of non-current assets and cost of inventory |
0 |
0 |
(3,276) |
0 |
(3,276) |
Tax effect |
0 |
0 |
856 |
0 |
856 |
After tax |
0 |
0 |
(2,420) |
0 |
(2,420) |
Transfer of gain on disposal of equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income to retained earnings |
0 |
(3,428) |
0 |
0 |
(3,428) |
Tax effect |
0 |
823 |
0 |
0 |
823 |
After tax |
0 |
(2,605) |
0 |
0 |
(2,605) |
Other reclassification |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
As at 31/12/2023 = 01/01/2024 |
65,733 |
10,368 |
(3,362) |
(42,779) |
29,961 |
Other comprehensive income |
37,388 |
(334) |
(17,141) |
(2,830) |
17,082 |
Tax effect |
2,260 |
1,889 |
4,956 |
(11,251) |
(2,146) |
After tax |
39,648 |
1,555 |
(12,186) |
(14,081) |
14,936 |
Hedging gains and losses and cost of hedging transferred to the cost of non-current assets and cost of inventory |
0 |
0 |
2,289 |
0 |
2,289 |
Tax effect |
0 |
0 |
(823) |
0 |
(823) |
After tax |
0 |
0 |
1,466 |
0 |
1,466 |
Transfer of gain on disposal of equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income to retained earnings |
0 |
(5,250) |
0 |
0 |
(5,250) |
Tax effect |
0 |
1,207 |
0 |
0 |
1,207 |
After tax |
0 |
(4,042) |
0 |
0 |
(4,042) |
Other reclassification |
366 |
0 |
(360) |
(6) |
0 |
As at 31/12/2024 |
105,747 |
7,881 |
(14,441) |
(56,867) |
42,321 |
The hedging reserve developed as follows:
2024 |
2023 |
Gains/losses recognized in the reporting period from the valuation of cash flow hedges |
From gas swaps |
2,964 |
(18,268) |
From forward foreign exchange contracts |
(21,450) |
13,911 |
From interest rate- and currency-interest rate swaps |
526 |
3,841 |
(17,960) |
(516) |
Reclassification to profit or loss of amounts relating to cash flow hedges |
From gas swaps |
6,444 |
16,500 |
From forward foreign exchange contracts |
3,935 |
(19,607) |
From interest rate- and currency-interest rate swaps |
(28,091) |
(21,035) |
(17,712) |
(24,142) |
Total |
(35,672) |
(24,658) |
The fair value changes from cash flow hedges recognized in the reporting period relate to hedging against currency risks from the operating business, hedging against interest rate/currency risks from taking out loans, and hedging against gas price risks (see note 35, section “Derivative financial instruments and hedges”).
The above amounts from the reclassification to profit or loss of cash flow hedges from gas swaps and forward foreign exchange contracts are reported primarily as part of earnings before interest and tax (EBIT), mainly under revenue and cost of sales. The above amounts from the reclassification to profit or loss of cash flow hedges from interest rate- and currency-interest rate swaps are reported under financial result.
Retained earnings
Retained earnings comprise the following:
31/12/2024 |
31/12/2023 |
Unappropriated revenue reserves of Lenzing AG under Austrian law (Austrian Commercial Code – öUGB) |
202,023 |
284,907 |
Accumulated profits of Lenzing AG under Austrian law (Austrian Commercial Code – öUGB) |
0 |
0 |
Earnings attributable to subsidiaries, including the effect of adjusting the financial statements of Lenzing AG and its subsidiaries from local regulations to IFRS |
15,338 |
75,374 |
Total (excl. other reserves) |
217,361 |
360,281 |
The unappropriated revenue reserves of Lenzing AG can be released at any time and distributed to shareholders as part of accumulated profits. Austrian law only permits the distribution of dividends from accumulated profits as stated in the approved annual financial statements of the parent company prepared in accordance with the Austrian Commercial Code.
No dividends were resolved and distributed to the shareholders of Lenzing AG for the 2024 and 2023 financial years.
The loss for the year according to the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) for the 2024 financial year of Lenzing AG is to be appropriated as follows:
Lenzing AG closed the 2024 financial year with loss under the Austrian law (öUGB) of |
-82,884 |
after the reversal of (distributable) revenue reserves |
82,884 |
remains an accumulated profit of |
0 |
Hybrid capital
In December 2020, a subordinated perpetual bond (hybrid capital) with a total volume of EUR 500,000 thousand and a coupon of 5.75 percent was issued. The hybrid capital has a perpetual tenor and can be called or re-deemed by Lenzing AG on December 7, 2025 at the earliest. Investors have no call rights. If the hybrid capital is not called, the hybrid capital will carry a changed interest rate from December 8, 2025 (then applicable 5-year swap rate plus a margin of 11.208 percent).
Interest will be due and payable in arrears on December 7 of each year unless Lenzing AG decides to defer such interest payment. Outstanding deferred interest must be paid under certain circumstances, in particular when the Annual General Meeting of Lenzing AG resolves to pay a dividend.
The bond meets the criteria for equity pursuant to IAS 32 (Financial Instruments: Presentation). Accordingly, coupons are presented as part of appropriation of profits in the consolidated income statement.
Non-controlling interests
Non-controlling interests represent the investments held by third parties in consolidated group companies. The Group companies with non-controlling interests are listed in note 41 under “Consolidated companies”. These are companies in which the Lenzing Group holds an interest of less than 100 percent.
Of the non-controlling interests as at December 31, 2024, EUR 341,556 thousand (December 31, 2023: EUR 308,186 thousand) related to LD Celulose S.A. (LDC), Indianópolis, Brazil including its wholly owned subsidiary, LD Celulose International GmbH (LDI), Vienna, which is allocated to the Pulp Division segment. As of December 31, 2024 the non-controlling shareholders held 49.0 percent (December 31, 2023: 49.0 percent) of the capital and voting rights of the non-listed LDC, and have a put option to sell their shares (see note 3 and note 35). LDC’s core business consists of the production and sale of pulp.
The following table provides summarized financial information on LDC (including LDI) in accordance with IFRS (100 percent):
31/12/2024 |
31/12/2023 |
Non-current assets |
1,613,096 |
1,606,247 |
Current assets |
252,156 |
221,524 |
Equity |
697,054 |
628,951 |
Thereof equity attributable to shareholders of Lenzing AG |
355,497 |
320,765 |
Thereof equity attributable to non-controlling interests |
341,556 |
308,186 |
Non-current liabilities |
1,037,534 |
929,861 |
Current liabilities |
130,665 |
268,960 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue |
503,209 |
449,270 |
Earnings before tax (EBT) |
47,921 |
117,452 |
Total comprehensive income |
(6,279) |
71,016 |
Thereof net profit/loss after tax |
(18,393) |
94,093 |
Net profit/loss after tax attributable to shareholders of Lenzing AG |
(9,380) |
47,987 |
Net profit/loss after tax attributable to non-controlling interests |
(9,012) |
46,105 |
Thereof other comprehensive income |
12,114 |
(23,076) |
Other comprehensive income attributable to shareholders of Lenzing AG |
6,178 |
(11,769) |
Other comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests |
5,936 |
(11,307) |
Cash flow from operating activities |
171,112 |
102,438 |
Cash flow from investing activities |
(62,606) |
(57,815) |
Cash flow from financing activities |
(116,001) |
(12,401) |
Change in cash and cash equivalents |
(7,495) |
32,221 |
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests |
0 |
0 |
The following shares of other comprehensive income are attributable to non-controlling interests in the subsidiaries of Lenzing AG:
2024 |
2023 |
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss |
Remeasurement of defined benefit liability |
(10) |
(29) |
Income tax relating to these components of other comprehensive income |
2 |
6 |
Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss |
Foreign operations – foreign currency translation differences arising during the year |
17,938 |
(10,502) |
Cash flow hedges – effective portion of changes in fair value recognized during the year and non-designated components |
(18,530) |
(1,620) |
Income tax relating to these components of other comprehensive income |
6,300 |
792 |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) |
5,701 |
(11,353) |