Business conduct stakeholder engagement
[GRI 2-28, 3-3f]
Membership associations
For Lenzing’s membership associations, please see the “Stakeholder engagement” focus paper.
Employees are expected to follow the Global Code of Business Conduct. They are also a viable asset in the timely notification of unlawful conduct within the company. Every employee is informed and trained with regards to Lenzing’s policies and directives.
Suppliers are expected to follow the Supplier Code of Conduct as well as respect human rights and labor laws within their own operations. Lenzing is obliged by the EU Supply Chain Act to carry out a thorough audit of its suppliers.
Austrian Code of Corporate Governance
In order to meet the demands of Lenzing’s shareholders and business partners, it is essential for Lenzing to comply with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (ÖCGK). Customers in particular demand that their service providers and suppliers adhere to their compliance standards. The Austrian Corporate Governance Code defines specific duties for the Managing Board, Supervisory Board and auditors. The overall responsibility for compliance lies with the Managing Board – it must ensure compliance with legal provisions and work towards their observance within the company (§ 15 ÖCGK). In addition, it must inform the Supervisory Board regularly, comprehensively and promptly about all issues relevant to the company and report at least once a year on precautions taken to combat corruption (§ 18a ÖCGK).
Together for Sustainability (TfS)
Together for Sustainability (TfS) is an initiative consisting of and driven by chemical procurement specialists, which has the goal of collectively building more sustainable chemical supply chains. Lenzing has been a member of this initiative since 2022. All TfS members have full access to a global network of assessed and audited suppliers, which will result in higher efficiencies in sustainable procurement through this shared database. Performance progress based on common principles is shared throughout the TfS community and brings more transparency and unity. This will benefit chemical companies as well as their suppliers.
Lenzing cooperates with the NGO Canopy and maintains a continuous dialog with members of the CanopyStyle initiative to ensure responsible wood sourcing and protect the world’s ancient and endangered forests from ending up in textiles and fibers.
Canopy publishes the Hot Button Report1, an annual ranking of all mane-made cellulose fiber manufacturers based on their wood and pulp sourcing performance, transparency and innovation. Today, more than 550 global brands with combined annual revenues of over USD 1 trillion are looking to source from “green shirt” producers. In recent years, Lenzing has shown continuous improvement in all of these criteria. Lenzing’s Wood and Pulp Policy has been aligned with the CanopyStyle initiative for years. Furthermore, since 2020, the geographical locations of pulp suppliers have been publicly disclosed in more detail. In Canopy’s latest Hot Button Report, published in December 2024, Lenzing received a dark green shirt for the fifth time.
EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
All relevant EU institutions have adopted the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR 2023/1115), which was published in June 2023. The regulation was first announced to be binding from December 30, 2024 onwards, but then delayed to 30th December, 2025. Lenzing has been preparing for the implementation of this regulation to be fully compliant with the law, and has been supporting its customers with all necessary information. Internal processes were initiated and Lenzing maintains a continuous exchange with supply chain partners and relevant stakeholders, such as industry associations and certification schemes to fulfil the requirements. The current focus is on the interpretation of text and the operational implementation including the necessary information technology tools. EUDR will increase the administrative burden substantially, which requires additional resources to ensure full compliance.
The goals of the Regulation have raised expectations that transparency along the supply chains of wood products will increase substantially. However, the scope of the Regulation is limited to wood and pulp, and does not cover regenerated cellulose fibers or products based on these fibers. The geographical scope is Europe; so, fiber production sites outside Europe as well as fibers and other products made from wood and pulp sourced outside Europe are not or just partially covered.