Metrics and targets
Lenzing’s innovation portfolio addresses key topics for the future. Sustainable innovations and proactive partnerships form the basis of Lenzing’s strategic efforts to green the value chain. Sustainability targets for air emissions, water emissions, pollution, climate protection and circular economy are the cornerstones of Lenzing’s responsible entrepreneurship, and act as innovation drivers.
The “Positive impact on downstream value chain partners by supporting the achievement of their climate related goals by providing low-carbon fibers” is addressed via Lenzing’s science-based targets that aim to reduce GHG emissions. For more information on the ESRS 2 MDR-T of the “Near-term science-based target” and the “Long-term science-based net-zero target”, please see the “Metrics and targets” section of the “E1 Climate change” chapter.
The “Wastewater”, “ZDHC lyocell”, “ZDHC viscose” and the “FEM” targets contribute to realizing the “Opportunity for Lenzing as sustainability leader in pulp and fiber manufacturing” with low environmental and social impacts due to low emission products. For more information on the ESRS 2 MDR-T of the targets please see the “Metrics and targets” section of the “E2 Pollution” chapter.
The “Opportunity to help partners in the value chain achieve their circularity and recycling goals” is addressed by the “Textile recycling” target and “Circular Business Model” target, which are described in more detail (ESRS 2 MDR-P) in the “Metrics and targets” section of the “E5 Resource use and circular economy” chapter.